Wednesday, October 15, 2008


I was asked what I do with all my bok choy that I get at the Farmer's Market. Usually I cook up some lo-mein, which is a staple lunch here in my household now that Chris works a lot at home. This is something that my mom makes for lunch a lot (noodles for lunch, rice for dinner). There isn't a specific recipe that I use, instead I use whatever vegetables and meat I happen to have on hand. I bring home Chinese noodles from CA whenever I go home, so that I have them on hand all the time. I know that some recipes will say that you can substitute angel hair for lo-mein egg noodles. It's not the same (just think you would never substitute lo-mein noodles for spaghetti? Right?), so stick with Chinese noodles for this dish. You might have to search for them, but these days many regular grocery stores stock them.
Lo-Mein adapted from my Mom's recipe
Oil (I used extra virgin olive oil, but regular veggie oil works too)
Veggies, cut into small bite size pieces. I used 1 medium size yellow onion and 2 bunches of boy choy this time. You usually want to use onions for the flavor. There are lots of other veggies that you can use--it's like a stir-fry, so use your imagination.
Meat (chicken, pork, steak)--a lb. KC strip for this meal
Chinese lo-mein noodles (I am not sure how much I use. It usually depends on if I want leftovers. It's kind of like Italian pasta, you can figure it out!)
soy sauce (no salt because soy sauce is salty enough)
pepper to taste
Boil water and cook noodles according to package while cooking the rest of the ingredients. Heat oil in wok (or any other large pan). Use just enough oil to cover the bottom (you don't need a lot). Cook the onions and bottoms of the boy choy first (since they take longer to cook) until they are softened. Cook the meat next until almost done (to your taste), add more oil if needed. Add boy choy leaves, then add soy sauce and pepper to taste (don't add too much soy sauce, but you'll need enough to flavor the noodles too--soy sauce is just like salt and no one needs to eat too much sodium!). Add noodles. Mix. Serve.

1 comment:

Danielle said...

I want this NOW! Seriously...not joking!

I was SO bummed that I didn't win the Dutch got my hopes up you punk!