Thursday, August 14, 2008


Very few of you reading this probably know that I was actually born in Louisville, KY and not CA. I only lived there till I was almost 1, so I can't be considered a Kentucky-girl. I had never actually gone back to KY until summer 2006, when we made a clear effort to drive to my birthplace during a road trip. It's funny because sometimes I wonder if my southern birthplace (why is KY a southern state when it's not really southern on a map?) is why I love southern-style food. One of my favorites is grits, something that I think is under appreciated in this country (grits are just like Italian polenta) and thought of as "poor" southern people food. For those of you who don't know, grits are just coarsely ground corn. They are pretty plain and boring by themselves, but are delicious when things are added to them (cheese, shrimp, fried eggs, etc. etc).
Since I was up at such an early hour, I decided to try out this recipe for today's breakfast. I added a fried egg on top (a secret from Steve. The yolk breaks over the grits and adds that much more goodness to it!). It looks like white grits where used in her picture, while mine were yellow. So my picture looks like I have a fried egg on top of scrambled eggs....haha.
P.S. That's my Paris metro mug in the background. I heart Paris!


Danielle said...

OH.MY.GOSH...I'm gone for like 2 days...and you have written an entire book!?!?!? Everything looks, what I need is for you to start making 5 star Weight Watchers recipes (6 points or less)...and I'll actually be able to try some of these things out! HA...just joking...We cheat once a need to go get some avacados, huh?!?!

Grace said...

Haha. I am a food blog writing fool these days, huh? I'm trying to find some more healthy options, but you can only eat veggies all day for so long before you need meat and diary. So get some avocados and try out the chicken recipe because I know that you guys will love it! Plus you can always use low-fat cheese. :)