I haven't had much time lately to blog or make anything super interesting. We have been having very random meals at my house trying to clean out our fridge (i.e. dinner two nights ago-- fried catfish, beets & lo mein. lunch--cream of broccoli soup & waffles). I do have a couple of posts that are in the works (hopefully, I'll get them up after I send out the Christmas cards today), but the holiday season has been quite busy in this household this year!
I will leave you with some great food blogs to read that aren't on the side of my blog:
Cake Wrecks- professional cakes that people actually paid money to take home. Really funny stuff!
Cooking for Engineers- for those of you who like to deconstruct things.
Orangette- lovely food blog with tasty looking pictures (and recipes)!
Bakerella- YUMMY! I made one of the cakes on her blog. At first, I thought it was a bit dry, so it sat a day and ended up DELICIOUS. I think that I ate 70% of the cake!
Homesick Texan- I love this blog. I haven't had a chance to make anything on it yet, but it's delicious sounding. Home-style TX food. It will make you gain 20 lbs just reading it!
Smitten Kitchen- I believe this one was featured on Martha Stewart's show. The couple works in their 80 sq ft (yes, that's 8-0!) in NYC. I can no longer complain about my small kitchen anymore.
Dorie Greenspan- Well known in the baking world, this cookbook author has a great blog with lots of information, recipes, stories, etc, etc.
Hope you like these blogs and I'll be posting again soon--promise!
1 day ago