Sunday, November 2, 2008

Saturday's Farmers Market

Sorry about the lack of posts lately, but with Halloween and the KU-K State game this weekend, I haven't had a lot of time to make food. I am heading to Chicago for a little R&R this upcoming weekend, so I'll try to get some good recipes in before Friday. It's sad that I'll miss the final weekend of the Lawrence Farmer's Market and it's going to be hard to have to buy produce in the grocery store for the next six months. I am hoping that I can send my husband to the market on Saturday and that he'll pick up some good stuff for us (but you know husbands who don't cook....haha).
The list of food from this week: baby carrots (too cute!), green onions, cilantro, lettuce/salad mix, 2 cartons eggs, 2 lbs minute steak (it's basically cubed steak for Pioneer Woman's steak sandwiches), 3 lbs ground beef (I'm making meatballs this week), lb sweet Italian sausage, bok choy, radishes, apples, Roma tomatoes, honey wheat bread, two mini pies (that I forgot to put in the first pic)--sweet potato & pecan and some organic cayenne pepper.
My sweet potato pie was AMAZING (Chris got a bite) and I should look into making some this winter. I am really interested in the cayenne pepper. I have never used homemade cayenne pepper and usually use Dean & Deluca spices (worth the extra money), so I'll have to find a recipe using cayenne for this week.
For Halloween, we were the "cool house" and passed out full size candy bars to the kids. We ended up with some extra candy bars, so I might have to try to use them up in some desserts too.
Anyway, I hope everyone had a great Halloween and weekend!

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