Monday, October 27, 2008


Ok, this picture might not be that look that great, but trust me, this brisket is delicious!!!! Of course, it came from Pioneer Woman (who hasn't failed me yet). The recipe actually called for a 10 lb piece of brisket, but mine was only 4. I still used the same cooking liquid because I didn't read the recipe till after I poured out the sauce ingredients, but that's ok. I left the beef in the fridge for 2 nights since I was gone all day yesterday. I didn't time my cooking time for it to be done right before dinner instead it was about 4 PM, when it was done and Chris and I have been munching on it ever since. I am not sure how much more will be left by dinnertime! It's so tender and good. I might have to go eat some more now.

Pioneer Woman Brisket Recipe

Here is a pic of my lovely flowers from the Farmer's Market on Saturday. So pretty! They have to sit on the fireplace mantel, so that the kitties don't eat them!

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